Lebanon Digital Transformation Strategies to Actions 2020-2030
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    • #17331
      admin admin

      The Lebanon Digital Transformation encompasses the core elements that enable us to build a strong foundation for riding the wave of change that will lift Lebanon into the information age. This 3 documents incorporate the following sections:
      •    Digital Transformation Unleashed that discusses the background, history, purpose, vision, strategic goal, and immediate objectives of the digital transformation strategy
      •    Situational Analysis including insights into data on Lebanon, a sectoral analysis of all major economic sectors in Lebanon, lessons learned, and critical success factors for the digital transformation strategy
      •    The foundations and pillars on which the Lebanon digital transformation is built along with a legal review of the relevant current and future laws and regulations
      •    Priority and pre-requisite programs and solutions
      •    Implementation plan with a 10-year roadmap enumerating important projects that are at the heart of digital transformation
      •    Key performance areas and indicators for monitoring and evaluating the digital transformation journey
      •    Stakeholder engagement and external validation
      •    Budget, exhibits, and bibliographic references



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